The Boston Big Local Community Chest panel met on 9 August to consider the latest Community Chest applications for funding. Four awards were made as follows:

  • £1000 to the Boston and South Holland Wood Carvers for oak, carving tools and metal work to complete a tribute to the local fisherman who were lost during World War 1.
  • £700 to the Boston Preservation Trust for the volunteer gardeners at Fydell House Centre for a hedge trimmer, shredder and signage.
  • £1000 to Endeavour Radio to upgrade their radio equipment.
  • £400 to Boston Women’s Aid for Children’s indoor and outdoor play activity equipment.

Congratulations to the organisations that received an award in this round of funding. We will provide a photo and more information on how they will be spending the money once we have presented representatives from each organisation with their cheques.

For more information about how to apply for funding for your organization, visit the Community Chest page here on our website.