WednesdayCommunityGroupThe Wednesday Community Group is a social group of people with physical disabilities who meet once a week in the Boston Big Local area. The group recently received £500 of Community Chest funding, which will help to support their running costs.

The aim of the group is to promote individual independence. They organise social activities and trips to promote independence and confidence in using community facilities. Members of the group develop new skills and projects of interest and find ways to liaise and interact with members of the wider community. They also offer social support to people with physical disabilities.

Mick Horton from the Wednesday Community Group said: “The funding we have received from Boston Big Local will be used towards our transport costs and public liability insurance for the coming year. It will go a long way to help us continue our activities, seek new opportunities for community involvement, and maintain our independence.

“It’s easy for people with a physical disability to become isolated,” Mick continued. “The Wednesday Community Group offers opportunities to meet new people, share experiences, receive friendly assistance and support to socialise, and help accessing local facilities and services.”

The group meets every Wednesday at the Conservative Club in Main Ridge West from 10am to 2.00pm and they are currently looking to recruit new members. Anyone interested in joining the group should come along to a meeting with their carer to find out more.

Photo caption (above): Richard Tory presented a cheque for £500 to Mick Horton and Jane Kitchen at the Wednesday Community Group.