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Dear BBL,
Here is my report for Quarter Jan/Feb/March 2017.
Thank you for your continued support for Memory Lane Creative Sessions. Delivering arts and crafts sessions to those with dementia is a fantastic opportunity to aim to increase their mental wellbeing and stimulates the whole brain. Arts and Crafts can be calming and relaxing for the mind, naturally alleviating depression and stress, and can offer a new way of expression and communication when verbal communication is sometimes challenging. Arts and Crafts can also improve concentration and attention in individuals. The Arts and Crafts group is also a great way of individuals meeting others with dementia or other carers, and forming positive relationships. In a social sense, the group allows each person to have the chance to discuss their experiences and exchange advice and information, as well as receiving emotional and practical support.
The group averages at around 10 group members, and has two new starters (a lady and her daughter), beginning in the next session, increasing the group size to 12. Marketing has been underway to raise awareness of the group to other agencies and those affected by dementia in the local community with the aim of allowing more people to benefit from our service.
The group engages together excellently, with clear bonds and friendships within the group No individual is excluded or isolated from conversation. The atmosphere is generally very positive, upbeat and lively, and has a good sense of humour. Some group members are so comfortable within the group that they feel comfortable discussing their very personal stories and life struggles, which I believe the group provides a therapeutic outlet for some group members.
To ensure that everyone benefits from the service, I have asked each individual to note down any ideas they have for future sessions which they feel that they would particularly enjoy. Marti and Andy have already supplied a list of ideas of Arts and Crafts activities that they would like to do in future weeks so this can provide us with some new ideas tailored specifically to the service users.

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