Page 7 - ABLNewsletterMarch2017
P. 7
Wednesday 22nd February 2017 – Clay Bowls with Carol
The feel of clay is can be enjoyable for dementia patients.
Carol attended this session to make clay bowls with the group. The clay bowls will be able to be painted in a future session to really brighten them up. Carol brought with her clay and other materials to use such as mesh and material to create nice patterns on the bowls. The group’s opinion was that they enjoy messy tasks! Everyone got involved and engaged excellently with the task. Reg attended without his partner Judy and sat next to Joyce who he seems to communicate with excellently, and helped her with anything she was struggling with, which was nice to see. Joyce came out of her shell the more the morning progressed, making her own clay bowl and stayed awake for the full session. Marti and Andy are very outgoing members of the group, enjoy chatting and the social aspect of the group. Although they are equally as passionate about arts and crafts! The group is generally outgoing and very chatty, and can lead itself due to the clear friendships that have formed within the group. No individual ever appears isolated or excluded from conversation. There are quieter individuals such as Sarah and Carol, however they still interact excellently with the group and with each other. Sheila also did a brilliant job of making a clay bowl, accompanied to the session by her husband Bill and their son Simon.

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