A More Attractive Environment

Boston Big Local will support the coordination of existing activities that make the local environment more attractive and fund additional activities where there is an identified need. A lead delivery partner will coordinate the activities under each priority and any activities or services funded will not replace statutory services.

Outcomes for all priorities under this theme

We will know we have made a difference when:

  • There is better Partnership working and shared goals to create a more attractive environment in the Boston Big Local area.
  • Residents from within the Boston Big Local area take action to create a more attractive environment.
  • Residents from the Boston Big Local area tell us that the neighbourhood where they live is more attractive.

To achieve these outcomes, the Partnership Group decided on the following three priorities:

  • Educate and inform residents about their responsibility toward the local environment.
  • Brighten up the Boston Big Local area.
  • Improve local amenities and open spaces in Boston Big Local area.

Agreed activities

1 – To educate and inform residents about their responsibility toward the local environment the following activities have been agreed: A two year campaign to reduce the number of incidents of people urinating/defecating in the street; A campaign to recruit Community Champions to reduce amount of litter; Work with the Environment Agency and young environmentalist to improve the environmental quality of waterways and raise awareness of the danger to wildlife; Distribute cigarette/chewing gum pouches and raise awareness of penalties for littering; Reduce environmental crime through education and awareness; Purchase a street vacuum and install eight secure cigarette bins; Employ a competent person to operate the street vacuum and chewing gum removal machines. You can read the Service Level Agreement for this activity here.

Lead delivery partner – Boston Borough Council
Other delivery partners – none

Read the Environment Report from Boston Borough Council – October 2018

Read the Environment Report from Boston Borough Council – July 2018

Read the Environment Report from Boston Borough Council – March 2018

Read the Environment Report from Boston Borough Council – December 2017

Read the Environment Report from Boston Borough Council – October 2017

Read the Environment Report from Boston Borough Council – September 2017

Read the Environmental Activities Progress Report – September 2015

2 – To brighten up the centre, the following activities have been agreed: Enhancing planting in the town centre by providing better quality planters, improving horticultural displays and offering seasonal (winter) planting in key areas; Partnership working to enhance the Haven Bridge corridor. You can read the Service Level Agreement here.

Lead delivery partners – Boston in Bloom Partner Group
Other delivery partners – Boston in Bloom Partner Group

Read the Public Realm Improvements Report – March 2019

Read the Public Realm Improvements Report – October 2018

Read the Public Realm Improvements Report – July 2018

Read the Public Realm Improvements Report – March 2018

Read the Public Realm Improvements Report – December 2017

Read the Enhancing Horticultural Displays Report – June 2016

Read the Enhancing Horticultural Displays Report – August 2015

3 – To improve local amenities and open spaces in Boston Big Local area the following activities have been agreed: Improve and increase play opportunities in the Boston Big Local area; Installation of Sure Shot Gooseneck Basketball Hoop and tarmac base in Central Park; Installation of Rock and Bowl duel axis roundabout and Double Zig Zag Twister Spinner in Central Park; Installation of tarmac base around already fitted Basketball Hoop in Woodville Road Play area; Deliver “Summer Beach” Fun Sessions over two days in Central Park. You can read the Service Level Agreement here.

Lead delivery partners – Boston Borough Council
Other delivery partners – none

Read the Beach Event Report – October 2018

Read the Beach Event Report – July 2018

Read the Play Areas Report – July 2018

Read the Beach Event Report – March 2018

Read the Play Areas Report – March 2018

Read the Play Areas Report – December 2017

Read the Play Areas Report – September 2017

Read the Improve Local Amenities Activity Progress Report – June 2015

Informing and influencing others

In addition to the above priorities, Boston Big Local will inform and influence others about:

  • Sorting out the Market Place, making it less confusing for pedestrians and for parking; providing public toilets.
  • Creating safe cycle routes through the town to enable a safer environment for children and encourage fitness.